Industry Tips

The Importance of Staying Top of Mind: Five Effective Strategies

In today’s saturated market, consumers are bombarded with countless options, making it easy for your brand to get lost in the noise. However, implementing the right strategies ensures that your…

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Make Your Content Sizzle Like the Summer Heat!

As the summer sun blazes and your competitors take time off, you should be gearing up. Summer is the perfect time to review and prepare your content strategy for your…

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The Imperative for Enhanced Content Marketing in B2B Sales

Are you selling into the B2B market? Then you know that an increasing number of stakeholders are involved in the purchase process, and sellers face a more complex buyer’s journey than ever before. How do you break through? Content marketing (and lots of it)!

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Five USPS Tips for Foolproof Direct Mail

When creating successful direct mail campaigns, the U.S. Postal Service (USPS) is the ultimate expert. Here are five of its most helpful tips for creating foolproof direct mail campaigns: Choose…

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Promoting Sustainability? You’ve Got to Back It Up

Increasingly, brands are jumping on the bandwagon of environmental sustainability. Consumers want to do business with brands that are kind to the earth, and brands are giving consumers what they want. However, just making sustainability claims isn’t enough. You have to back them up.

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Refresh Your Marketing Collateral for Maximum Impact

One often overlooked aspect of maintaining a solid brand presence is regularly refreshing your marketing collateral. From direct mail to marketing emails, here are five ways to update your design and keep it fresh.

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Elevating Your Brand’s Impact with Extra Dimension

How do you stand out when so many companies compete for the same customers? One way is through dimensional print. These innovative print pieces go beyond the traditional flat surface, offering tactile and interactive experiences that captivate audiences and drive engagement. From pop-up designs to textured finishes, dimensional print can take your marketing efforts to the next level.

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Sustainable Printing Is More Than Recycled Paper

Using recycled paper is essential in moving toward more sustainable printing, but it’s not the only one! For those who want to be friendly to the earth, here are five other ways to incorporate sustainability when designing and ordering print materials.

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5 Situations Where Print Media Outshines Digital

In today’s digital age, it’s easy to overlook the enduring impact of print media. While digital marketing offers unparalleled reach and flexibility, there are certain situations where print simply outshines its digital counterparts. Here are five scenarios where print comes out on top.

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How to Write Marketing Copy That Motivates!

Whether you’re creating an advertisement, a direct mail piece, or website content, compelling marketing copy can capture attention, evoke emotion, and, ultimately, drive sales. To achieve this, marketers often tap into six primary motivators that resonate with consumers deeply and personally. Let’s take a look.

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Print Management Group

425 E. Arrowhead Drive
Charlotte, NC 28213